Public liability cases are generally fought hard by the Insurance Companies. They are nearly always litigated in Court. This makes them amongst the most expensive cases to maintain. However if you are ultimately successful in your claim, the majority of your legal costs may be paid by the Insurer. This is subject to the value of the claim being over $100,000.00 as the recoverable legal costs in claims less than this are restricted. You should discuss the issue of costs with your lawyer.
At McKay Compensation Lawyers, Public Liability Claims are accepted on a “No Win No Fee” basis. However if you commence proceedings in Court and you do not succeed in establishing negligence, you may have a cost order awarded against you. This would be disastrous. It is for this reason that it is essential to obtain well considered legal advice prior to commencing proceedings in Court. Not only will you receive comprehensive advice from your lawyer Catherine McKay, she will also ensure you receive advice from a highly experienced Public Liability Barrister prior to commencing proceedings in Court.
Your lawyer Catherine McKay will provide you with detailed information about the likely legal costs specific to your particular matter when you provide instructions.
All Public Liability Claims are accepted by McKay Compensation Lawyers on a NO WIN NO FEE basis.